Mansbestfriend 7

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This album is an epic poem i wrote during the uprisings over the past year. Its a about the anthropocene; this man made world of garbage and dead time.  Its written in the style I used to write all my music in a decade ago; one long piece that doesn’t rhyme and is written without music. The result is a very interesting kind of throwback sound made using an old SP404.

Initially this record was called “The Black Box” and it was meant to be a testament of our times; but I ended up using that title for the record label instead, because hey, that's what all music should be.

MBF7 is also the first release I’ve put out that is neither a CD or a tape or a book, but somewhere in between. The physical version of this album is a 32 page poetry book with a linen paper hybrid cover. This is not a pre-order’ the books begin shipping next week.

Also featuring musical contributions from 2 of Denver's finest:
Greg Ziemba of Rubedo playing drums
Tom Murphy of Pythian Whispers playing guitars
Mastered by Skyrider